Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Photo Retouching

People digitally change images to change the perspective of the viewer of the image. this can be to put a person or situation in to a more or less appealing light. This can lead to unfourtunate implacations for things like models and celebrities affecting the medias portrial of beutey and skewing youths perception of succsess. The editing of news images is worse, because the news programs are then lieing and creating fictional stories instead of telling the truth. In my opinion, news artical pictures should not be changed, and the extent of a photoshoots digital re-imaging should be working out camera/small flaws, not faking the image.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


If someone posted my work on the internet, I would have many differing reactions, depending on the situation. It wouldn’t matter to me what was posted, whether it was a song or a picture. If they had my permission to post it, with or with-out crediting the work to me, I wouldn't care. However, if someone had posted my work without my permission, I would ask them to take it down or at least put the work under my name. If the work was something they were making money off of, I would ask for a cut.

Friday, 7 September 2012